Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Invitations have been sent!

Sarah and I have officially sent out the last of our invitations! Those beauties were more than a month in the making and it is a huge relief to see them safely out the door and into the mail system. Look for your very own within the week! We CANNOT WAIT to start getting responses. ~Zach

Friday, May 4, 2012

3 months away!

Holy crapcakes batman!  We're getting married in 3 months.  92 days. 2213.5 hours.  That is so little time!

In related news: stress is building, but we feel we are on top of it and once we send out invitations (next week!) a major stress factor will have diminished.

Unrelated news: we made some updates to the website.  Now it is slightly more informative than ever before!

As a final note on this blog post: in the immortal words of Rita Leeds, "Married married married!"