Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Hoooooooooray!!  We are one month away from the BIG DAY.  That is so exciting!  Also, slightly frighteningly soon.

EMBOLDENED ANNOUNCEMENT: If you have not yet booked a room at the Marriott, do so now.  The room rate expires on JULY 13.  That is only 10 days away.

Less serious stuff.  We have been super busy with wedding things.  Our lawn games are coming along well, we have begun to plan what the actual ceremony will look and feel like (other than hot), and we have added new friends to the rank of people who will be helping us with the wedding.

We would like to officially welcome the lovely Danielle Burkhart and Claire O'Hanlon to our party.  Danielle will be taking the role of Reader - during the ceremony she will be reading a text that Sarah and I chose because it embodies the spirit of our relationship.  Claire will be the Orator - she will be handling the introduction of the ceremony and bringing that certain je ne c'est quoi to the whole affair.

As a last bit of rather sizable news: in an unfortunate twist of fate one my groomsmen, Jeff, was offered the chance to play the gig of his life on....August 4.  We were both pretty torn up about it when we talked, but we both knew that an opportunity such as this one to advance his career should not be overlooked.  As such, I would like to welcome a new groomsman to the mix!  Eric Burkhart has graciously offered to take Jeff's place on the roster and will be fulfilling all groomsmanly duties from this point forward.  I am very sad to see Jeff go, but also very happy to have the chance to involve someone as amazing as Eric more deeply in the ceremony.

Pentultimately, Happy 4th of July everyone!!

Finally, my grandmother Betty is celebrating her 90th birthday with a whole bunch of family today.  So Happy Birthday to Betty!  90 is kind of a big deal.


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